The Desired Effect: Spotlight on Oumou Sy

Bonne Anniversaire to Senegal’s “Queen of Couture”. H/T Jordan Levy.

From All Hail Oumou Sy, Senegal’s ‘Queen of Couture’

Document: Can you tell us when you first became interested in fashion and costume design?

Oumou Sy: I was born in Podor, a haven of peace on the river in the northernmost point of Senegal that borders Mauritania. Women in my tribe have only one purpose: to get married, be pretty, and stay silent. When my dad died, I felt all his force come into me. At the age of five I was no longer a child, at the age of 9 I refused an arranged marriage, at the age of 13 my mother bought me my first sewing machine and I started using recuperated fabrics. I wanted to be independent, if you are a woman, financially self-sufficient, and you can provide for your parents, people would not bother you, and you would be respected.

Document: You’re often referred to as ‘Senegal’s Queen of Couture’. What, in your opinion, gained you this royalty status?

Oumou: People can say whatever they want, I don’t see myself as the queen of couture, fashion, [or] the queen of anything actually. I simply create clothing; people can call me anything, I just carry on. Only God knows if I am a queen. Anyone can be a queen in their own field.

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